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> EssenceUDK.Tool
сообщение 14.1.2015, 21:17
Сообщение #1


Разработчик проекта "Квинтэссенция"
Сообщений: 2.155
Регистрация: 15.6.2009
Группа: Пользователи
Наличность: 0
Из: РФ, Москва
Пользователь №: 11.948

На прошлой недели состряпал программку для низкоуровневой работы с мулами. Сия тулса может найти применение в следующих задачах:
  • миграцией с старых клиентов на новые или наоборот
  • массовый перенос объектов (к примеру сдвигу всех тайлов из определенного диапазона в другой, попутно проделав тоже самое с тайлдатой, радарколом, анимдатой, картой и статикой)
  • создание скриптов для регулярной подмены содержимого (к примеру ежегодная замена тайлов на зимний вариант и обратно)
  • как патчер для бедных или основа для собственного патчера
  • дефрагментация данных (речь не только об статике, а об любых мулах - звуки, гампы, тайлы и тд)
  This software is part of EssenceUDK project
   EssenceUDK.Tool      version: 1.0.5492.35302
   EssenceUDK.Platform  version: 1.0.5492.35302

Usage: run "EssenceUDK.Tools.exe" with command.


--fsutil    - Operation over file system (rename, moving, deleteing files)
     [-pfx <string>] [-min <number>] [-max <number>] [-ren <beg|end|file>]
     [-mov <number>] [-len <number>] [-hex] [-del] <in_dir> <out_dir> [<list>]
       -pfx <string>  Prefix for file names: I, L, T, G and others.
       -min <number>  Ignore all files with ID < number.
       -max <number>  Ignore all files with ID > number.
       -ren <beg|end> Rename all files from end or start without skipping ID.
       -ren <file>    Rename files from files according to there rule
       -mov <number>  Shift each result ID by specified value.
       -len <number>  Count of digits in output names (default 5 and 4 for hex)
       -hex           Save file names in HEX format.
       -del           Delete file from <in_dir> after coping ti <out_dir>.
       <in_dir>       Path to input folder.
       <out_dir>      Path to output folder.
       <list>         Path to output text file to store list of id's

--create    - Create new index or not index *.mul file with specidied size
     <entry_count> <entry_size> <mulfile>
     <entry_count> <idxfile> <mulfile>

--resize    - Increase/decrease *.mul file length
     <entry_count> $MULCON$

--defrag    - Defragmentation index *.mul file

--export    - Export data blocks and save them as *.mde files.
     <dirpath> $MULCON$

--import    - Import data blocks from *.mde files to *.mul file.
     <dirpath> $MULCON$

--merger    - Make binary merge for 2 *.mul files. All not existing entries in
               second file will be replaced from 1st, and all conflict entries
               will be exported to *.mde files in specified folders.
     <dirpath> $MULCON$ <dirpath> $MULCON$

--convtd    - Make conversation from new tiledta format(HS) to old one and back

     <dstfile> <newformat> <mulfile>
       <newformat>  - true/false, true means converting from new format to old

--convmt    - Make conversation from new multi format(HS) to old one and back
     <newformat> <idxfile> <mulfile>
       <newformat>  - true/false, true means converting from new format to old

--copyid    - Coping entries with specified numbers to new position
     $LIST#2$ $MULCON$

--moveid    - Moving entries with specified numbers to new position
     $LIST#2$ $MULCON$

--remove    - Delete entries with specified numbers in index *.mul file
     $LIST#1$ $MULCON$

--facetm    - Operation over facets (map, statics, facets)
   <folder> <uodata> <uoopts> $SUBCMD$
     <folder> - folder with data files
     <uodata> - client type flags (for HS - 0x0462, else - 0x0062)
     <uoopts> - array of map indexes and map sizes, where values are separeted
               by "|" (for original HS maps:
     $SUBCMD$ - subcommand, see list below:

     -replid    - Replace all land tiles with specified Index by new Index
        $MPAREA$ $LIST#2$

     -reptid    - Replace all item tiles with specified Index by new Index
        $MPAREA$ $LIST#2$

     -rephid    - Replace all item colors with specified Index by new Index
        $MPAREA$ $LIST#2$


  $MULCON$  ->  <index_offset> <entry_length> <idxfile> <mulfile>
  $MULCON$  ->  <byte_offset> <entry_length> <entry_size> <mulfile>
  $MULCON$  ->  <byte_offset> <entry_length> <entry_head_size>
                <entry_item_size> <entry_item_count> <mulfile>
                   <entry_length> - if 0 then will be set up to the end of file
  $LIST#1$  ->  <index>
  $LIST#1$  ->  <txtfile>
  $LIST#2$  ->  <srs_index> <dst_index>
  $LIST#2$  ->  <txtfile>
  $MPAREA$  ->  <map_index> <block_x1> <block_y1> <block_x2> <block_y2>
                  <block_x2> == 0 or <block_y2> == 0 means width-1 and height-1


- Before merge or defrag operation to make them more effective recomended to
  resave all data by Fiddler. This action prevent situations when same data
  will have different byte sequences.
- *.mde files are binary data of specified index with name in ?????? format,
  where ?????? is number of entry. For index *.mul files first 4 bytes are
  extra value from *.idx file.
- text file for $LIST#1$ allias must contain list of numbers separated with
  line break.
- text file for $LIST#2$ allias must contain list of pair numbers separated
  with line break. Numbers in pairs can be separated with space, comma, "->"
  If second number not present instead of it will be used incremented by 1
  last second value. If second value wasn't specifer befor exception occurs
- All numbers can be ither in decimal or in hex style, for last case they
  have to start wirh "0x" specifier.
- All paths can be ither full or related for setting working directory

Info about muls:

| file name    |  entry size | entry count  |
| tiledata.mul |   836 / 964 |          512 | - land tiles
| tiledata.mul | 1188 / 1316 | 512/1024/2048| - item tiles(off:428032/493568)
| animdata.mul |         548 |    items / 8 |
| radarcol.mul |           2 | land + items |
| hues.mul     |         708 |          375 |
| light.mul    |           - |          100 |
| sound.mul    |           - |         4096 |
| multi.mul    |           - |         8192 |
| map##.mul    |         196 | width*height | - sizes in blocks (8x8 tiles)

| file name    | header | item size | item count |
| tiledata.mul |      4 |   26 / 30 |         32 | - land tiles
| tiledata.mul |      4 |   37 / 41 |         32 | - item tiles
| animdata.mul |      4 |        68 |          8 |
| hues.mul     |      4 |        88 |          8 |

Length of index based muls can be geted as *.idx length / 12

RP сервер UO: Quintessence, а также ПО: EssenceUCS, EssenceUDK, CentrEd+, Fiddler+ и др.
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StaticZ   EssenceUDK.Tool   14.1.2015, 21:17

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- Текстовая версия | Версия для КПК Сейчас: 16.6.2024, 19:04
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