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> Lua потоки
сообщение 8.1.2019, 11:29
Сообщение #1


Модератор UOPilot
Сообщений: 9.477
Регистрация: 2.12.2008
Группа: Супермодераторы
Наличность: 27901
Пользователь №: 11.279

Подключил потоки. Вроде собрал, запустил, вроде даже работает, но исключительно с lua функциями. Вызов любой функции пилота приводит к крашу.

для работы требуется:
https://luapower.com/pthread#reference (собственно потоки)
https://luapower.com/luastate/download (зависимость)

С возвратом значений пока не разбирался.

local ffi           = require[[ffi]]
local pthread = require'pthread'
local luastate = require'luastate'

--make a new Lua state
local state = luastate.open()

--load the standard libraries into the Lua state

--create a callback into the Lua state to be called from a different thread

   --up-values are not copied unless we ask, so we have to require ffi again
   local ffi = require'ffi'

   --this is our worker function that will run in a different thread
   local function worker()
      --print() is thread-safe so no need to guard it

        -- ПОЛУЧАЕМ КРАШ
        -- log("123")

        -- РАБОТАЕТ
        local sum = 0 + 1
        local output_f = io.open("!thread.txt", "w+")

   --make a ffi callback frame to call into our worker function.
   --luajit anchors both the callback object and its function
   --so we don't care about them getting garbage collected.
   local worker_cb = ffi.cast('void *(*)(void *)', worker)

   --get the callback pointer out of the Lua state as a number,
   --because we can't pass cdata between Lua states.
   --tonumber() works on x64 too in this case because the Lua state
   --was allocated by LuaJIT which can only allocate stuff in the
   --lowest 4GB of the address space.
   return tonumber(ffi.cast('intptr_t', worker_cb))

--call the function that we just pushed into the Lua state
--to get the callback pointer
local worker_cb_ptr = ffi.cast('void*', state:call())

--create a thread which will start running automatically
local thread = pthread.new(worker_cb_ptr)

--wait for the thread to finish

--close the Lua state

вызов pthread_test.lua так же приводит к крашу.
pthread_test.lua требует pp.lua:
--Recursive pretty printer with optional indentation and cycle detection.
--Written by Cosmin Apreutesei. Public Domain.

if not ... then require'pp_test'; return end

local type, tostring = type, tostring
local string_format, string_dump = string.format, string.dump
local math_huge, math_floor = math.huge, math.floor

--pretty printing for non-structured types -----------------------------------

local escapes = { --don't add unpopular escapes here
    ['\\'] = '\\\\',
    ['\t'] = '\\t',
    ['\n'] = '\\n',
    ['\r'] = '\\r',

local function escape_byte_long(c1, c2)
    return string_format('\\%03d%s', c1:byte(), c2)
local function escape_byte_short(c)
    return string_format('\\%d', c:byte())
local function quote_string(s, quote)
    s = s:gsub('[\\\t\n\r]', escapes)
    s = s:gsub(quote, '\\%1')
    s = s:gsub('([^\32-\126])([0-9])', escape_byte_long)
    s = s:gsub('[^\32-\126]', escape_byte_short)
    return s

local function format_string(s, quote)
    return string_format('%s%s%s', quote, quote_string(s, quote), quote)

local function write_string(s, write, quote)
    write(quote); write(quote_string(s, quote)); write(quote)

local keywords = {}
for i,k in ipairs{
    'and',       'break',     'do',        'else',      'elseif',    'end',
    'false',     'for',       'function',  'goto',      'if',        'in',
    'local',     'nil',       'not',       'or',        'repeat',    'return',
    'then',      'true',      'until',     'while',
} do
    keywords[k] = true

local function is_stringable(v)
    if type(v) == 'table' then
        return getmetatable(v) and getmetatable(v).__tostring and true or false
        return type(v) == 'string'

local function is_identifier(v)
    if is_stringable(v) then
        v = tostring(v)
        return not keywords[v] and v:find('^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$') ~= nil
        return false

local hasinf = math_huge == math_huge - 1
local function format_number(v)
    if v ~= v then
        return '0/0' --NaN
    elseif hasinf and v == math_huge then
        return '1/0' --writing 'math.huge' would not make it portable, just wrong
    elseif hasinf and v == -math_huge then
        return '-1/0'
    elseif v == math_floor(v) and v >= -2^31 and v <= 2^31-1 then
        return string_format('%d', v) --printing with %d is faster
        return string_format('%0.17g', v)

local function write_number(v, write)

local function is_dumpable(f)
    return type(f) == 'function' and debug.getinfo(f, 'Su').what ~= 'C'

local function format_function(f)
    return string_format('loadstring(%s)', format_string(string_dump(f, true)))

local function write_function(f, write, quote)
    write'loadstring('; write_string(string_dump(f, true), write, quote); write')'

local ffi, int64, uint64
local function is_int64(v)
    if type(v) ~= 'cdata' then return false end
    if not int64 then
        ffi = require'ffi'
        int64 = ffi.typeof'int64_t'
        uint64 = ffi.typeof'uint64_t'
    return ffi.istype(v, int64) or ffi.istype(v, uint64)

local function format_int64(v)
    return tostring(v)

local function write_int64(v, write)

local function format_value(v, quote)
    quote = quote or "'"
    if v == nil or type(v) == 'boolean' then
        return tostring(v)
    elseif type(v) == 'number' then
        return format_number(v)
    elseif is_stringable(v) then
        return format_string(tostring(v), quote)
    elseif is_dumpable(v) then
        return format_function(v)
    elseif is_int64(v) then
        return format_int64(v)
        error('unserializable', 0)

local function is_serializable(v)
    return type(v) == 'nil' or type(v) == 'boolean' or type(v) == 'number'
        or is_stringable(v) or is_dumpable(v) or is_int64(v)

local function write_value(v, write, quote)
    quote = quote or "'"
    if v == nil or type(v) == 'boolean' then
    elseif type(v) == 'number' then
        write_number(v, write)
    elseif is_stringable(v) then
        write_string(tostring(v), write, quote)
    elseif is_dumpable(v) then
        write_function(v, write, quote)
    elseif is_int64(v) then
        write_int64(v, write)
        error('unserializable', 0)

--pretty-printing for tables -------------------------------------------------

local to_string --fw. decl.

local cache = setmetatable({}, {__mode = 'kv'})
local function cached_to_string(v, parents)
    local s = cache[v]
    if not s then
        s = to_string(v, nil, parents, nil, nil, nil, true)
        cache[v] = s
    return s

local function virttype(v)
    return is_stringable(v) and 'string' or type(v)

local type_order = {boolean = 1, number = 2, string = 3, table = 4}
local function cmp_func(t, parents)
    local function cmp(a, b)
        local ta, tb = virttype(a), virttype(b)
        if ta == tb then
            if ta == 'boolean' then
                return (a and 1 or 0) < (b and 1 or 0)
            elseif ta == 'string' then
                return tostring(a) < tostring(b)
            elseif ta == 'number' then
                return a < b
            elseif a == nil then --can happen when comparing values
                return false
                local sa = cached_to_string(a, parents)
                local sb = cached_to_string(b, parents)
                if sa == sb then --keys look the same serialized, compare values
                    return cmp(t[a], t[b])
                    return sa < sb
            return type_order[ta] < type_order[tb]
    return cmp

local function sortedpairs(t, parents)
    local keys = {}
    for k in pairs(t) do
        keys[#keys+1] = k
    table.sort(keys, cmp_func(t, parents))
    local i = 0
    return function()
        i = i + 1
        return keys[i], t[keys[i]]

local function is_array_index_key(k, maxn)
        maxn > 0
        and type(k) == 'number'
        and k == math.floor(k)
        and k >= 1
        and k <= maxn

local function pretty(v, write, depth, wwrapper, indent,
    parents, quote, line_term, onerror, sort_keys, filter)

    if not filter(v) then

    if is_serializable(v) then

        write_value(v, write, quote)

    elseif getmetatable(v) and getmetatable(v).__pwrite then

        wwrapper = wwrapper or function(v)
            pretty(v, write, -1, wwrapper, nil,
                parents, quote, line_term, onerror, sort_keys, filter)
        getmetatable(v).__pwrite(v, write, wwrapper)

    elseif type(v) == 'table' then

        if parents then
            if parents[v] then
                write(onerror and onerror('cycle', v, depth) or 'nil --[[cycle]]')
            parents[v] = true


        local first = true

        local maxn = 0
        for k,v in ipairs(v) do
            maxn = maxn + 1
            if filter(v, k) then
                if first then
                    first = false
                if indent then
                pretty(v, write, depth + 1, wwrapper, indent,
                    parents, quote, line_term, onerror, sort_keys, filter)

        local pairs = sort_keys and sortedpairs or pairs
        for k,v in pairs(v, parents) do
            if not is_array_index_key(k, maxn) and filter(v, k) then
                if first then
                    first = false
                if indent then
                if is_stringable(k) then
                    k = tostring(k)
                if is_identifier(k) then
                    write(k); write'='
                    pretty(k, write, depth + 1, wwrapper, indent,
                        parents, quote, line_term, onerror, sort_keys, filter)
                pretty(v, write, depth + 1, wwrapper, indent,
                    parents, quote, line_term, onerror, sort_keys, filter)

        if indent then


        if parents then
            parents[v] = nil

        write(onerror and onerror('unserializable', v, depth) or
            string_format('nil --[[unserializable %s]]', type(v)))

local function nofilter() return true end

local function args(opt, ...)
        indent, parents, quote, line_term, onerror,
        sort_keys, filter
    if type(opt) == 'table' then
        indent, parents, quote, line_term, onerror,
        sort_keys, filter =
            opt.indent, opt.parents, opt.quote, opt.line_term, opt.onerror,
            opt.sort_keys, opt.filter
        indent, parents, quote, line_term, onerror,
        sort_keys, filter = opt, ...
    line_term = line_term or '\n'
    filter = filter or nofilter
        indent, parents, quote, line_term, onerror,
        sort_keys, filter

local function to_sink(write, v, ...)
    return pretty(v, write, 1, nil, args(...))

function to_string(v, ...) --fw. declared
    local buf = {}
    pretty(v, function(s) buf[#buf+1] = s end, 1, nil, args(...))
    return table.concat(buf)

local function to_openfile(f, v, ...)
    f:write'return '
    pretty(v, function(s) f:write(s) end, 1, nil, args(...))

local function to_file(file, v, ...)
    local f = assert(io.open(file, 'wb'))
    to_openfile(f, v, ...)

local function to_stdout(v, ...)
    return to_openfile(io.stdout, v, ...)

local function filter(v, k)
    return type(v) ~= 'function' and type(k) ~= 'function'
local function pp(...)
    local t = {}
    local n = select('#',...)
    for i=1,n do
        local v = select(i,...)
        if type(v) == 'table' then
            t[i] = to_string(v, '   ', {}, nil, nil, nil, true, filter)
            t[i] = v
    print(unpack(t, 1, n))
    return ...

return setmetatable({

    --these can be exposed too if needed:
    --is_identifier = is_identifier,
    --is_dumpable = is_dumpable,
    --is_serializable = is_serializable,
    --is_stringable = is_stringable,
    --format_value = format_value,
    --write_value = write_value,

    write = to_sink,
    format = to_string,
    stream = to_openfile,
    save = to_file,
    print = to_stdout,
    pp = pp, --old API

}, {__call = function(self, ...)
    return pp(...)

Кстати вызов из распространяемого пака luapower тоже проходит с проблемами:

LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2 -- Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Mike Pall. http://luajit.org/
JIT: ON SSE2 SSE3 SSE4.1 fold cse dce fwd dse narrow loop abc sink fuse
> ffi           = require[[ffi]]
> pthread = require'pthread'
> luastate = require'luastate'
> print(pthread)
table: 0x0252f2f0
> pthread_test = require'pthread_test'
priority range:         -15     15
creating many threads 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
mutex trylocks:
        thread  1       737012
        thread  2       813579
        thread  3       726565
        thread  4       752307
        thread  5       804368
        thread  6       830890
        thread  7       749770
        thread  8       749999
        thread  9       799210
        thread  10      745042
failed trylocks: 1541%
cond. var: caught: 46%, timeouts: 0%
rwlock trylocks:
        write thread    1       1191202
        read thread     2       11369705
        read thread     3       11309126
        read thread     4       11666584
        read thread     5       12793325
        read thread     6       11053421
        read thread     7       11512771
        read thread     8       11665028
        read thread     9       12839153
        read thread     10      11115890
        read thread     11      11206679
failed trywritelocks: 235445%

Там бетка lua. Но на LuaJIT 2.0.5 то же самое. Цифры несолько плавают, но они и в переделах одной версии плавают.

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сообщение 9.1.2019, 17:51
Сообщение #2


Модератор UOPilot
Сообщений: 9.477
Регистрация: 2.12.2008
Группа: Супермодераторы
Наличность: 27901
Пользователь №: 11.279


Скрипты UOPilot под заказ.
Консультации по UOpilot 15$/час.
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сообщение 9.1.2019, 21:46
Сообщение #3


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