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> Поделитесь sphere.ini
Ozzy Osbourne
сообщение 23.1.2013, 21:31
Сообщение #1


Сообщений: 2.067
Регистрация: 5.8.2003
Группа: Пользователи
Наличность: 0
Пользователь №: 810
Возраст: 32

Кто использует 56b свн на рабочем сервере хотя бы с онлайном > 20 чел - поделитесь вашим sphere.ini если он чем то отличается от дефолтного. Интересно кто как у себя настраивает пакет приортити и прочие специфические настройки сферы

Forest Wars
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+Ответить с цитированием данного сообщения
сообщение 24.1.2013, 1:51
Сообщение #2


Группа: Пользователи
Наличность: 0
Пользователь №: 6.583

Вот настройки 56б на них играли около того


//& lt;=============================================================================
//<- Ultima Online: The Odyssey ->
//<- Sphere Version: 56c (56b-Nightly) ->
//<- Script Author: Breaker (Cache) ->
//<- ->
//<- Last edit date: 20.11.2007 ->
//& lt;=============================================================================

ServName=Classic // Name of your Sphere shard
ServIP= // The IP of your server, this will be almost always
ServPort=2593 // The port of your server, this is 2593 by default
AdminEmail=admin@uo.agamer.ru // Admin's contact email
URL=uo.agamer.ru // Web page for this server
TimeZone=3 // GMT offset, from -12 to +12 [London=0, EST=5, etc]
Lang=Russian,English // Official staff language
NTService=0 // Start this as a system service on Win2000, XP, NT

//<----| MySql configuration. |-------------------------------------------------------------------->

//<----| File Locations |-------------------------------------------------------------------------->
ScpFiles=scripts\ // Directory where spheretables.scp is located, from there we will load any additional scripts
WorldSave=save\ // Where your sphereworld.scp and spherechars.scp are located
AcctFiles=save\ // Where your sphereaccu.scp and sphereacct.scp is located
MulFiles=C:\Game\UoMl\ // Where your UO installation is located *.mul,
Log=logs\ // Where your log files will be saved by sphere
// Standart Size: X=6144,Y=4096
MAP0=7168,4096,-1,0 // To activate ML-sized map #0 uncomment the next line
MAP1=7168,4096,-1,1 // To activate ML-sized map #1 uncomment the next line
MAP2=2304,1600,32,2 // Ilshenar (TD)
MAP3=2560,2048,32,3 // Malas (AOS)
MAP4=1448,1448,8,4 // Tokuno Islands (SE)
UseMapDiffs=1 // To enable the use of MapDif*.mul and StaDif*.mul files, set this to 1.

//<----| World Save Information |------------------------------------------------------------------>
SavePeriod=60 // How often for Sphere to save your world (minutes)
BackupLevels=7 // How many backup levels to keep. Each level means 7 backups done for it. So, 10*7 = 70 backup saves will be storied.
SaveBackground=0 // On would save in the background quietly over a longer period of time, and not interrupt the game. Off would notify "World save has been initiated" and save faster, but pause the game momentarily

//<----| Account Management |---------------------------------------------------------------------->
AccApp=2 // Code for servers account application process: 0=Closed, 2=Free, 3=GuestAuto, 4=GuestTrial, 6=Unspecified
MD5Passwords=0 // Store password hashed with MD5
LocalIPAdmin=0 // local ip is assumed to be the admin
MaxCharsPerAccount=5 // Number of chars allowed per account
MinCharDeleteTime=7*24*60 // Min time for a char to exist before delete allowed (in seconds)
GuestsMax=0 // Max number of Guest accounts allowed
MaxAccountLoginTries=0 // Max login tries for account before a temporary ban (0 is disabled)

//<----| Client Management |----------------------------------------------------------------------->
//ClientVersion=6.0.12 // What client protocol version used comment out the ClientVersion line to allow any client that is supported.
UseCrypt=1 // Set this to 1 to allow login to encrypted clients
UseNoCrypt=1 // Set this to 1 to allow login to unencrypted clients
ClientMax=200 // Maximum total open connections to server
ClientMaxIP=16 // Maximum open connections to server per IP
ConnectingMax=32 // Maximum total (not-in-game) connections to server
ConnectingMaxIp=8 // Maximum total simultaneous (not-in-game) connections to server per IP
ClientLinger=15 // How long logged out clients linger in seconds
WalkBuffer=75 // Walk limiting code: buffer size (in tenths of second)
WalkRegen=25 // Walk limiting code: regen speed (%)
CommandLog=1 // Only commands issued by this plevel and higher will be logged
CommandPrefix=. // Prefix for ingame commands
CommandTrigger=f_oncommand // Function to call if client is executing a command to override the default.
UseHttp=1 // Use the built in http server: 0 - disable http server and webpage generation, 1 - disable http server and enable webpage generation, 2 - enable http server and webpage generation (default)
UseAuthID=0 // Use the OSI AuthID to avoid possible hijack to game server.
AutoResDisp=5 // Default setting for all accounts specifying default resdisp.
AutoPrivFlags=0 // Default setting for new accounts specifying default priv level
//MaxTooltipForTick=10 // Max tooltip (if enabled) to send on each tick (to avoid client flooding)
HitsUpdateRate=1 // How often send my hits updates to visible clients (in seconds)

//<----| Game Mechanics |-------------------------------------------------------------------------->
DistanceWhisper=3 // Maximum distance to hear char whispering
DistanceTalk=18 // Maximum distance to hear char talking
DistanceYell=64 // Maximum distance to hear char yelling
MountHeight=0 // Do not allow entering under roof being on horse?
ArcheryMinDist=1 // Archery does not work if too close (0 = not checked)
ArcheryMaxDist=15 // Maximum Distance for Archery
SpeedScaleFactor=15000 // Speed scale factor for weapons
StaminaLossAtWeight=175 // This is the percent of max weight at which stamina is lost half the time (200 = no effect)
RunningPenalty=45 // Weight penalty for running +N% of max carry weight (0 = no effect)
ArriveDepartMsg=0 // Show people joining/leaving the server. 0 disables, 2 enables staff only.
AutoNewbieKeys=0 // Are house and boat keys newbied automatically
BankMaxItems=100 // Maximum number of items allowed in bank
BankMaxWeight=2000 // Maximum weight in stones allowed in bank
PayFromPackOnly=0 // If 1 vendors will take gold only from backpack
NoWeather=1 // Disable weather effects?
DungeonLight=10 // Default light level in dungeons
LightDay=0 // Day light level 0-30
LightNight=15 // Night light level 0-30
AllowLightOverride=1 // Allow manual sector light override?
WoolGrowthTime=30 // Wool Regen Time (in minutes)
SuppressCapitals=0 // Suppress player speech with 75% of capital letters
ZeroPoint=1323,1624,0 // Zero point for sextant coordinates counting
MaxShipPlankTeleport=14 // How far from land i can be to take off a ship
SpellTimeout=0 // Length of time (in seconds) for a player to choose a target when casting (0 = no timeout)

// Extra combat flags to control the fight (default:0, 0.55i compatible)
// COMBAT_NODIRCHANGE 00001 // Not rotate player when fighting (like was in 0.51a)
// COMBAT_FACECOMBAT 00002 // Allow faced combat only (recommended)
// COMBAT_PREHIT 00004 // allow prehit for close combat. first hit is instant (delay 0.1sec)
// COMBAT_USE_RESISTANCE 00008 // use character props RES* against oldfashioned damage types
// COMBAT_SPECIALDAMAGE 00010 // use character tags TAG.*DAMAGE to apply additional damage
// COMBAT_DCLICKSELF_UNMOUNTS 00020 // unmount horse when dclicking self while in warmode
// COMBAT_ALLOWHITFROMSHIP 00040 // Allow attacking opponents from ships
// COMBAT_OSIDAMAGEMOD 00080 // modify weapon damage OSI-style (taking anatomy, tactics, lumberjacking into account)
// COMBAT_ARCHERYCANMOVE 00100 // firing bow while moving
// COMBAT_STAYINRANGE 00200 // Abort attack swing when out of range instead of waiting to come back in range
// COMBAT_STACKARMOR 01000 // If a region is covered by more than one armor part, all AR will count
// COMBAT_TARGETTEDHIT 02000 // Allows setting of preferred hit area by TAG.HITPREFERENCE

// Extra magic flags to control magic/magery behaviour (default:0, 0.55i compatible)
// MAGICF_NODIRCHANGE = 0x0000001 // Not rotate player when casting/targeting
// MAGICF_PRECAST = 0x0000002 // Precasting (cast spell before target prompt)
// MAGICF_IGNOREAR = 0x0000004 // Magic damage ignore ar
// MAGICF_CANHARMSELF = 0x0000008 // Magic can do damage on self
// MAGICF_STACKSTATS = 0x0000010 // Different stat spells don't cancel each other out
// MAGICF_FREEZEONCAST = 0x0000020 // No movement whilst casting
// MAGICF_SUMMONWALKCHECK = 0x0000040 // Summoned creatures should be able to walk on the target location (e.g. water creatures to be summoned on water)
// MAGICF_NOFIELDSOVERWALLS = 0x0000080 // Field spells cannot cross over blocking objects

//<----| NPC/Item/Player Management |-------------------------------------------------------------->
LostNPCTeleport=18 // Distance in tiles before an NPC that's wandered too far from it's home will teleport back
NoResRobe=0 // Wether PCs get a resurrection robe when they get resurrected.
CorpseNPCDecay=5 // Time for a NPC corpse to decay mins
CorpsePlayerDecay=20 // Time for a playercorpse to decay mins
DecayTimer=30 // Base decay time in minutes for items
CharTags=0 // Put [NPC] tags over chars
FlipDroppedItems=0 // Flip dropped items
MonsterFear=1 // Monsters run when scared of death
MonsterFight=0 // Monsters may fight each other
MoveRate=100 // Percent setting of the all NPC move rate, default 100
GenericSounds=1 // Do players receive sounds
VendorMaxSell=65535 // Max number of items to sell to one person at once
NPCTrainMax=300 // Max level npc trainers can go
NPCTrainPercent=30 // Percent of own ability npcs can train to
NPCNoFameTitle=1 // NPC will not be addressed as "Lord" or such if this is set
SkillPracticeMax=499 // Max level of skill trainable on dummies, archery butte ecc..
MaxBaseSkill=10.0 // Max skill player's will start with on skills they haven't chosen during char create
InitHiddenSkills=1 // If set to 0, the MaxBaseSkill will only apply to skills that the client can see in their menu (based on Feature* settings, ResDisp and Client Version). If this is set to 1 then players to start with all the skills that have been defined.
Regen0=31536000 // Time in seconds for hitpoint regeneration (1 Year)
Regen1=31536000 // Time in seconds for mana regeneration (1 Year)
Regen2=31536000 // Time in seconds for stamina regeneration (1 Year)
Regen3=7*60+12 // Time in seconds for hungry 1*60*60 = 1 hour of real time
OverSkillMultiply=0 // When player skills/stats goes this times more than skillclass allowed, drop them to skillclass level. Setting this to 0 disables the action.

SpeechSelf=spk_player // Speech block associated to players
SpeechPet=spk_pet // Speech block associated to pets
//EventsNPC=e_PvX // Events related to all NPCs
//EventsPlayer=e_PvX // Events related to all players
//EventsRegion=your_event // Events related to all regions

// NPC AI settings:
// NPC_AI_PATH 0001 // NPC pathfinding
// NPC_AI_FOOD 0002 // NPC food search (objects + grass)
// NPC_AI_EXTRA 0004 // NPC magics, etc
// NPC_AI_ALWAYSINT 0008 // Always be as smart as possible with pathfinding
// NPC_AI_INTFOOD 0010 // NPC food search (more intelligent and trusworthy)
// NPC_AI_COMBAT 0040 // Look for friends in combat
// NPC_AI_VEND_TIME 0080 // Vendors closing their shops at nighttime
// NPC_AI_LOOTING 0100 // Loot corpses an the way
// NPC_AI_MOVEOBSTACLES 0200 // If moveable items block my way, try to move them
NPCAI=0001|0002|0004|0008|0010|0040|0200 // 035f

//<----| Crime/Murder/Karma/Fame/Guard Settings |-------------------------------------------------->
PlayerNeutral=-2000 // Karma when player goes from good to neutral (from -10000 to 10000)
PlayerEvil=-8000 // Karma when player goes from neutral to evil (from -10000 to 10000)
CriminalTimer=3 // How many minutes are criminals flagged for
SnoopCriminal=20 // Times a player can snoop before becoming a criminal
MurderDecayTime=3*60*60 // Seconds time to decay a murder count (default 3*60*60 is 3 hours)
MurderMinCount=0 // Amount of murders before we get title
LootingIsaCrime=1 // Looting or carving a blue player is a crime
HelpingCriminalsIsaCrime=1 // Flag players criminal for helping criminals?
GuardLinger=5 // How long do guards linger about in minutes
GuardsInstantKill=0 // Will guards kill instantly or follow normal combat rules

// Limits the MAXHITS/MAXMANA/MAXSTAM changes:
// STAT_FLAG_NORMAL 0x00 // MAX* status allowed (default)
// STAT_FLAG_DENYMAX 0x01 // MAX* denied
// STAT_FLAG_DENYMAXP 0x02 // .. for players
// STAT_FLAG_DENYMAXN 0x04 // .. for npcs

// Uses the new LoS algorithm
// ADVANCEDLOS_DISABLED 0x00 // Disabled, use the old method
// ADVANCEDLOS_PLAYER 0x01 // Enabled only for players
// ADVANCEDLOS_NPC 0x02 // Enabled only for NPCs

// Default color settings for characters (name, speech)
ColorNotoGood=063 // blue
ColorNotoGuildSame=044 // green
ColorNotoCriminal=03b2 // grey (criminal)
ColorNotoNeutral=03b2 // grey (can be attacked)
ColorNotoEvil=026 // red
ColorNotoGuildWar=02b // orange (enemy guild)
ColorNotoDefault=03b2 // grey (if not any other)


//<----| Server Mechanics |------------------------------------------------------------------------>
// Experimental flags, Flags for options that affect server behaviour and which might affect compatibility
// EF_DiagonalWalkCheck 00000001
// EF_UNICODE 00000002 // No on Linux
// EF_New_Triggers 00000008
// EF_Intrinsic_Locals 00000020
// EF_Item_Strict_Comparison 00000040
// EF_NewPositionChecks 00000080 // Do not set while server is running !!!
// EF_WalkCheck 00000100
// EF_AllowTelnetPacketFilter 00000200 // Enables packet filtering for telnet connections as well
// EF_Script_Profiler 00000400
// EF_Size_Optimise 00000800 // Save WORLDITEM/CHAR/SCRIPT as W*. This is not much for now, saving 7+ bytes per object. Loading supports any method.
// EF_Minimize_Triggers 00001000 // (Always OFF) Minimize trigger calls (use only 0.51 triggers)
// EF_DamageTools 00002000 // damage tools (and fire @damage on them) while mining or lumberjacking
// EF_UsePingServer 00008000 // Enable the experimental Ping Server (for showing pings on the server list, uses UDP port 12000)
// EF_NPCAct_Triggers 00010000 // Enable @NPCSpecialAction and @NPCAction triggers (mutual exclusive with EF_Minimize_Triggers)
// EF_UseNetworkMultiVersion 00400000 // Modify EF_UseNetworkMulti so clients prior to 4.0.0 are unaffected (try this if you find EF_UseNetworkMulti negatively affects older clients). - Do not set while server is running !!!
// EF_UseNetworkMulti 00800000 // Enable optimized network routines (better) - Do not set while server is running !!!
// EF_Specific 01000000 // Specific behaviour, not completly tested
Experimental = 008125cf

// Option flags, flags for options that affect server behaviour but not compatibility see the revisions.txt file for more details on this
// OF_Command_Sysmsgs 00000008 // Shows status of hearall, allshow, allmove... commands after toggling them
// OF_OSIMultiSight 00000020
// OF_Items_AutoName 00000040
// OF_FileCommands 00000080
// OF_NoItemNaming 00000100
// OF_NoHouseMuteSpeech 00000200
// OF_Flood_Protection 00001000
// OF_Buffs 00002000
// OF_NoPrefix 00004000 // Add prefix "A" and "An" to itemnames or not
// OF_DyeType 00008000 // if set allows using i_dye on all t_dye_vat instead of only i_dye_tub
// OF_DrinkIsFood 00010000 // type T_DRINK will increase FOOD lvl like T_FOOD
// OF_Specific 01000000 // Specific behaviour, not completly tested
OptionFlags = 0001e3c8

// FeatureT2A, used to control T2A expansion features ( default 03 )
// FEATURE_T2A_UPDATE 01 // Monster and Lost lands
// FEATURE_T2A_CHAT 02 // In game chat

// FeatureLBR, used to control LBR expansion features ( default 0 )
// FEATURE_LBR_UPDATE 0x01 // LBR Monsters
// FEATURE_LBR_SOUND 0x02 // MP3 instead of MIDI

// FeatureAOS, used to control AOS expansion features ( default 0 )
// FEATURE_AOS_UPDATE_A 0x01 // AOS Monsters, Map
// FEATURE_AOS_UPDATE_B 0x02 // Tooltip, Fightbook, Necro/paladin on creation, Single/Six char selection screen, Skills, Newer spellbook support
// FEATURE_AOS_POPUP 0x04 // PopUp Menus
// FEATURE_AOS_DAMAGE 0x08 // Use AOS damage system?

// FeatureSE, used to control SE expansion features ( default 0 )
// FEATURE_SE_UPDATE 0x01 // Basic SE features
// FEATURE_SE_NINJASAM 0x02 // Ninja and Samurai

// FeatureML, used to control ML expansion features ( default 0 )
// FEATURE_ML_UPDATE 0x01 // Basic ML features
// FEATURE_ML_NINTHAGE 0x02 // Unlocks ninth age house designer items

// FeatureKR, used to control KR expansion features ( default 0 ) (still not complete but usable)
// FEATURE_KR_UPDATE 0x01 // Basic KR features

// In game effects to turn on and off, messages echoed to the server console while in debug mode
// DEBUGF_NPC_EMOTE 00001 //
// DEBUGF_WALKCODES 00080 // try the new walk code checking stuff
// DEBUGF_EXP 00200 // experience gain/loss
// DEBUGF_LEVEL 00400 // experience level changes
// DEBUGF_SCRIPTS 00800 // debug flag for scripts
// DEBUGF_LOS 01000 // debug flag for AdvancedLOS
// DEBUGF_WALK 02000 // debug flag for new walking check stuff

AllowBuySellAgent=1 // Allow rapid Buy/Sell through Buy/Sell agent
HearAll=1 // Console Hears all that is said on the server
Secure=1 // Secure mode attempts to ignore errors, protect from accidently shutdowns
SectorSleep=16 // Value from 1 to 32, set sectors inactive when unused to conserve resources
DeadSocketTime=1 // Disconnect inactive socket in x min
ForceGarbageCollect=1 // Always force a full garbage collection on save
FreezeRestartTime=15 // Time before restarting when server appears hung (in seconds)
GameMinuteLength=60 // Length of the game world minute in real world in seconds

// Bit Mask of the subjects you want to log when logging is on
// LOGM_ACCOUNTS 0x00080 // Logging account actives
// LOGM_SAVE 0x00200 // world save status.
// LOGM_CLIENTS_LOG 0x00400 // all clients as they log in and out.
// LOGM_GM_PAGE 0x00800 // player gm pages.
// LOGM_PLAYER_SPEAK 0x01000 // All that the players say.
// LOGM_GM_CMDS 0x02000 // Log all GM commands.
// LOGM_CHEAT 0x04000 // Probably an exploit !
// LOGM_KILLS 0x08000 // Log player combat results.
// LOGM_HTTP 0x10000 // Log HTTP actions
LogMask=01ffff // 01ffff = log everything

MapCacheTime=120 // Amount of time to keep map data cached in sec
MaxComplexity=64 // Max NPC chars for a sector to prevent lag
MaxItemComplexity=256 // Amount of items in one tile so start showing "too many items here"
MaxSectorComplexity=16384 // Amount of items in one sector to start showing "x items too complex"
MaxLoopTimes=524288 // Limit the number of cycles the while/for loop can proceed. Setting this to zero disables the limitation
TimerCall=1 // Amount of minutes to call f_onserver_timer (0 disables this, default)
Profile=0 // Should sphere record the time it takes to do actions like treating npcs, scripts, clients and such? Can be viewed by right clicking the mouse on sphere screen.

//<----| Magic/Effects Settings |------------------------------------------------------------------>
EquippedCast=1 // Allow casting while equipped
WOPPlayer=1 // Words of power for player using magic
WOPStaff=1 // Words of power for staff using magic
ReagentLossFail=0 // Reagents lost if magic fails
ReagentsRequired=0 // Magic requires reagents
HitPointPercentOnRez=10 // What % of hitpoints players will resurrect with. Note, that if you set this too low, people with little STR will have problems resurrecting.
HitsHungerLoss=1 // How many % of hits will the character loose when starving. 0 disables
MagicUnlockDoor=1000 // Amount of skill of lock picking needed to unlock a magically locked door

TeleportEffectNPC=0372a // Teleport effect for NPC. Setting 0 disables the effect
TeleportSoundNPC=01fe // Teleport sound for NPC. Setting 0 disables the effect
TeleportEffectStaff=03709 // Teleport effect for GMs. Setting 0 disables the effect
TeleportSoundStaff=01f3 // Teleport sound for GMs. Setting 0 disables the effect
TeleportEffectPlayers=0372a // Teleport effect for players. Setting 0 disables the effect
TeleportSoundPlayers=01fe // Teleport sound for players. Setting 0 disables the effect

//<----| Packets incoming functions |-------------------------------------------------------------->
//Unknown Packets

//<----| Experience and Level system |------------------------------------------------------------->
ExperienceSystem=0 // Enable experience system

// Experience system settings:
// 0001 gain experience in combat
// 0002 gain experience in crafts
// 0004 allow experience to go down
// 0008 limit experience decrease by a range witheen a current level
// 0010 auto-init EXP/LEVEL for NPCs if not set in @Create
// 0020 allow trigger @ExpChange
// 0040 allow trigger @ExpLevelChange

// If combat experience gain is allowed, use these percents for gaining exp in player versus Monster and Player versus Player combats. Value 0 disables gain.

// Enable levels system (as a part of experience system)

// Level system settings:
// linear = 0 (each NextLevelAt exp will give a level up)
// double = 1 (you need (NextLevelAt * (level+1)) to get a level up)

// Amount of experience to raise to the next level

//<----| External program support |---------------------------------------------------------------->
// TNG: on Linux do sth like "/srv/www/" on Windows do sth. like "C:\foo\bar\"

//<----| Webpage Settings |------------------------------------------------------------------------>

//<----| Abuse Control |--------------------------------------------------------------------------->
// Block these ips from the server 255 is a wildcard, so disables anyone connecting.

//<----| Connection Information |------------------------------------------------------------------>


По тихоньку возрождаю The Odyssey.
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сообщение 24.1.2013, 2:28
Сообщение #3


Администратор Форума
Сообщений: 3.005
Регистрация: 22.12.2006
Группа: Администраторы
Наличность: 31637
Пользователь №: 9.227

2007 год - это, конечно, очень актуально. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

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сообщение 24.1.2013, 3:30
Сообщение #4


Группа: Пользователи
Наличность: 0
Пользователь №: 11.067


P.S. У меня одного тема и ответ в теме выглядит похерено (как будто длину поставили не реально большую, кто-то со стилями поигрался)?
P.S.S. Похоу это из-за тега code во 2-ом посте, т.к. другие темы выглядят нормально.

Промокод на 10% скидку Windows VDS: ODEI-XTPJ
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Ozzy Osbourne
сообщение 24.1.2013, 21:23
Сообщение #5


Сообщений: 2.067
Регистрация: 5.8.2003
Группа: Пользователи
Наличность: 0
Пользователь №: 810
Возраст: 32

За ссылку спасибки

Forest Wars
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сообщение 24.1.2013, 23:27
Сообщение #6


Администратор Форума
Сообщений: 3.005
Регистрация: 22.12.2006
Группа: Администраторы
Наличность: 31637
Пользователь №: 9.227

Свой не кидал, так как после обновления я еще сам по нормальному со всем не разбирался, почему от некоторых вещей крэшит, так что смысла нет.

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1 чел. читают эту тему (гостей: 1, скрытых пользователей: 0)
Пользователей: 0


- Текстовая версия | Версия для КПК Сейчас: 21.5.2024, 0:48
Designed by Nickostyle