proc m $fr $xr $zr $yr set linedelay 1 switch $zr case "<" set $zr "-" set #comp 1 break case ">" set $zr "-" set #comp 2 break case "=" set $zr "-" set #comp 3 break end_switch if copy($xr 1 2) = 0x set $xr copy($xr 3 size($xr)) end_if if copy($yr 1 2) = 0x set $yr copy($yr 3 size($yr)) end_if set %x math.dbl($xr $zr $yr) if %x[2] != "OK" msg error: %x[3] stop_script current_script end_if set $regexp (^.*\d+?(?=,0+\b)|^.*\d+[,.]\d+?(?=0+\b)|^.*\d+[,.]\d+) set $x regexp(#p $r %x[1] $regexp) if (#comp = 1) and ((copy($r 1 1) != "-") or $r = 0) set $r 0 end_if if (#comp = 1) and (copy($r 1 1) = "-") set $r 1 end_if if (#comp = 2) and (copy($r 1 1) != "-") and ($r != 0) set $r 1 end_if if (#comp = 2) and ((copy($r 1 1) = "-") or $r = 0) set $r 0 end_if if (#comp = 3) and ($r != 0) set $r 0 end_if if (#comp = 3) and (%x[1] = "0,000000") set $r 1 end_if set #comp 0 set $y set $fr .current_script $r eval(string_replace ($y " ." ".")) end_proc