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> Супер мининг, Прошу помощи ...
сообщение 3.7.2018, 9:20
Сообщение #1


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Доброе утро ребята та девчата.
Хотел бы вас по просить кто разбирается в скриптах особенно на проге Изиуо
Проблемка возникла у меня только в одной функции,у нас на сервере уогеймс Администрация сделала обновление и что-то добавила в функцию Tinker Tools Menu.
И скрипт перестал клацать на лопату крафтить .
Меню тинкер открывает скрипт выбирает раздел Tools,а дальше он тупо не клацает на раздел Shovel ...
Не пойму где там поменять кординаты либо ещё что-то там ...Прошу вас о помощи великие и благородные Скриптеры .

Скрипт кидай в двух сообщениях так как длина его слишком велика: ((((


; Script Name: Runebook Mining
; Author: Spewy
; Version: 3.5
; Client Tested with: 5.0.1c
; EUO version tested with: 1.5 build 62
; Shard OSI / FS: OSI Tested
; Revision Date: October 19th, 2005
; Public Release: September 16th, 2003
; Purpose: Efficient mining with the use of runebooks and pack animal
GoSub InitializeRuneBookMiningBySpewy; Do not change/remove this line

Set %UseInteractiveSetup #true; ******* Set to #false to manually set the values for variables ******

If %UseInteractiveSetup
   GoSub InteractiveDefaults

; ********* MANUAL ENTRY OF VARIABLES ***************
If ! %UseInteractiveSetup
   LinesPerCycle %lpsFast
;*********** REQUIRED Variables  ******************
; ---------- Backpacks and Home Base Setup ----------
   Set %BaseRunebook XXXXXXX; Set this to the ID of your House or Bank Runebook
   Set %NumBaseRunes 2; *** NEW *** Set the Total Number of Base runes to randomly use
   Set %BaseRune1 5; The position of the house/bank rune in the runebook (1=First rune, 16=last rune)
   Set %BaseRune2 6; An alternative rune just in case your first one is blocked (1=First rune, 16=last rune)

; For House Drop-off
   Set %SecureId XXXXXXX; Set to your HOUSE Secure ID (best if on stairs 2 squares away from recall spot)

   Set %BankDrop #false; Drop ore at the bank? #true = Bank, #false = House (Default)
   Set %OreBagId XXXXXXX; Set to the backpack id INSIDE your bank or house secure (Needed: House and Bank)
;---------- Mining Runebook Setup --------------------
; GoSub AddRunebook <RuneBook ID> <# of Mining Runes> [Color] [External Definition Filename]
; GoSub AddRunebook XXXXXXX 16

; Examples: (!!! Make sure you delete the semicolon ';' !!!) (!!! Filename must not contain spaces !!!)
; GoSub AddRunebook XXXXXXX 14 %Valorite SpewRunes.euo
; GoSub AddRunebook XXXXXXX 11 %Verite SpewRunes.euo
; GoSub AddRunebook XXXXXXX 16 %Agapite SpewRunes.euo

; *** LOOK FOR *** SetDigLocations subroutine to enter your mining locations

;********* OPTIONAL Variables *********
;---------- Bonded Packhorse/Packllama Setup ----------
   Set %UsePackAnimal #false; Use #true to use a bonded pack animal, #false otherwise
   Set %PackAnimalId XXXXXXX; The pack animal ID (use a dagger on it and look at #lTargetId)
   Set %PackAnimalBagId XXXXXXX; The Container ID of the pack animal backpack (Open Pack and use #ContId value)
   Set %PackAnimalDropId XXXXXXX; Backpack INSIDE pack animal backpack where the ore will be unloaded

;---------- Miscellaneous Variables ----------
   Set %MaxWeight 360; Set this to the weight you would like to stop digging at 400 for trammel 380 for felluca
   Set %RegSuit #false; #false = Restock regeants, #true = Do not need regeants
   Set %MineUseTime 15; Time between shovel usage is much smaller (For 'You must wait...' messages while mining set this higher)
   Set %UseTime 23; The wait between item usage other than shovels (For 'You must wait...' message when not mining set this higher)

   Set %HideMineInFel #true; *** NEW *** Hide when mining in Feluca only
   Set %HideMineElsewhere #false; *** NEW *** Hide when mining even when not in Fel
   Set %HideWhileManaWait #true; *** NEW *** Hide when you are waiting for mana to regenerate
   Set %HideOnPackUnload #true; *** NEW *** Hide when you unload to the pack animal
   Set %HideOnBaseUnload #true; *** NEW *** Hide when you unload to your bank/house

   Set %ShowStatus #true; Show the status window while mining (Really should be #true, pause/escape button are on the status window)
   Set %MinShovels 2; Set to the minimum number of shovels to carry when leaving Bank/House (Use up all those damn sturdy shovels)
   Set %UseTinkering #true; In case you don't have enough tinkering to make shovels (Make sure you set %MinShovels
   Set %MakeTwoShovels #true; Make 2 shovels when you have to make a shovel
   Set %UseAnyColourIngot #false; *** NEW *** Change this to true if you want the script to pickup coloured ingots from your bank/secure to tinker with
   Set %TravelMethod 0; *** NEW *** Change this to True for Magery, False for Chivalry
   Set %GiveUpTime 20; # of *seconds* of no successful mining strikes before script moves to the next mining spot

;---------- Walking directions to House Secure after Recall ---------------
   Set %StandLocationX 0; Set these three variables to #CharPosX, #CharPosY, #CharPosZ when you have your
   Set %StandLocationY 0;   character standing in the spot close enough to unload the ore
   Set %StandLocationZ -1

   Set %DoorID XXXXXXX; To use a door heading to %StandLocation, provide the ID of the door (double click door, use #LObjectID)
   Set %DoorUseX 0; Set these three variables to #CharPosX, #CharPosY, #CharPosZ when you have your
   Set %DoorUseY 0;   character standing in the spot close enough open the door
   Set %DoorUseZ -1
;---------- Enemy Detection and Evasion ---------------
   Set %RedEscape #true; Run the escape sequence if a red is detected
   Set %RedCheckNPC #false; Take extra time to see if Red found is a Red Healer
   Set %TrackPackAnimal #true; If your pack animal (if used) moves away from you, the escape sequence is run
   Set %EscapeOnMonsterSighting #true; #true: When a monster targets you, the script will try to escape (even before damage is done)
   Set %HighThreatMonster N/A; Upon the sighting of the specified monsters you will immediately try to escape
   Set %NoThreatMonster GD; (Corpsers, Reapers) Specified monsters will not cause an escape attempt (will still escape on damage)
   Set %PauseAfterEscape #false
   Set %EscapeOnDamage #true; #true: Run the Escape sequence when you take more than %DamageThreshold damage
   Set %DamageThreshold 10; the amount of damage before the escape is triggered [Fixes the escape problem caused by items that increase Hit Points]
   Set %EscapeRecallTarget XXXXXXX; ID of runebook or rune to target when you click on the ESCAPE button.
                                 ; Leave as is and script will open house runebook and recall from there
                                 ; Spewy sets this to %BaseRunebook and in UO sets the runebook default rune to be the house rune.
   Set %MinutesBeforeReturn 20; Minutes to avoid the dangerous rune location (NOT TESTED, PLEASE POST IF IT WORKS)
   Set %CureWithMagery #true; Attempts to cast Cure after an escape attempt (after you press Run Macro after the pause)
   Set %GrHealAfterEscape #true; Attempts to cast Greater Heal after an escape attempt (after you press Run Macro after the pause)
   Set %WaitForMana #true; Make sure you have enough mana to recall to and recall out of a mining location (32 mana)
   Set %MountBeforeRecall #true; #true to mount your beetle before recalling to a mining location (less chance of loosing the beetle especially if you have hiding)

;---------- Mining Filter Setup ---------------
   Set %BringUpMenuForFilters #true; Brings up a selection menu for which colors to mine, and prospect
   Set %UseProspector %NoColor; Add (literally +) all the colors you want prospected !!! Spaces between everything are required !!!
   Set %MineFor %AllColors; Add (using +) all the colors you wish to mine (filters runebooks used)
; Color Variables:
; %AllColors, %NoColor, %Iron, %Dull, %Shadow, %Copper %Bronze, %Gold, %Agapite, %Verite, %Valorite, and %UnknownColor
; Examples:
; Set %UseProspector %UnknownColor + %Dull + %Bronze + %Agapite; Prospect Dull Copper, Bronze, Agapite and any unlabelled runebooks
; Set %MineFor %AllColors; Use all runebooks
; Set %MineFor %Bronze + %Gold; Use Bronze and Gold runebooks ('Set %UseProspector %Bronze' and you only get Gold ore)

;---------- Mining Efficiency Variables ------------
; These variables are intended for people wanting to increase mining efficiency as much as possible.
; Choosing good mining locations (w/ multiple veins per rune) will yield easy improvements
   Set %DumpIron #true; #true results in large IRON ore to be dropped on exisint piles of ore within reach
                         ; Note: I manually place large iron ore in a visible spot 2 squares from me (saw 12% improvement))
   Set %NextRuneOnBaseUnload #true; #true results in recalling to the next rune after Unloading to Bank/House [Suggested by Paton]
; This is displayed on the the status window (Keep track of your mining efficiency)
   Set %TrackGPValue %ShowStatus; Tracks how much gold (equivalent) you have mined based on the ore evaluation set below
;---------- Logging Variables ----------
; [REQUIRES: ALLOW EXECUTE and the file Save.js, saves to MiningSpots.txt]
   Set %LogMiningResults #false; Saves how many large color/iron ore is mined at each mining location

;------------- Siege Support -------------
   Set %CastGate #false
; Set %UseGateScrolls #false; Support in future versions

;---------- UOAssist Integration Setup ----------
; For these variables Key is the keystroke (A-Z, 0-9, F1 to F12) and the Mod comes from the list of EUO's Key function (Alt, Ctrl, Shift)

; *** NOTE *** This area was not tested, please report any problems *** NOTE ***
; Tinker Tool creation UOA macro (Should Use Item Type (tinker tools), Choose Tinker Tool, Close Tinker Menu)
   Set %UOATinkerToolKey N/A
   Set %UOATinkerToolMod N/A
   Set %UOATinkerToolWait 10s
; Shovel creation UOA macro (Should Use Item Type (tinker tools), Choose Shovel, Close Tinker Menu)
   Set %UOAShovelKey N/A
   Set %UOAShovelMod N/A
   Set %UOAShovelWait 10s
; Escape UOA macro key (If this is defined, the Escape button will press this key and then pause the script)
   Set %UOAEscapeKey N/A
   Set %UOAEscapeMod N/A

   LinesPerCycle %lpsNormal

;********* User Defined Digging Locations Setup *******************************
Sub SetDigLocations
   GoSub RunExternalDefinitions; Do not change/remove this line

; You can define multiple mining spots (veins) per recall location (rune). Undefined mining locations will only work in a cave (it mines at your feet)
; There is a howto post on the thread for this script on how to set this up

   GoSub FindRunebook XXXXXXX; or %_RuneBook1 if you used the Interactive Setup and do not know the IDs
   Set %sdlBook %return
   if %sdlBook > 0
    ; SetUserDigCoord - *** Specify world coordinate mining locations ***
    ; Mine the location then use #LTargetX, #LTargetY, #LTargetZ, #LTargetKind #LTargetTile in EUO (Ctrl-R to View variables)
    ; GoSub SetUserDigCoord <RuneBook Index> <Rune Index 1-16> <#lTargetX> <#lTargetY> <#lTargetZ> <#lTargetKind> <#lTargetTile>

    ; Look at [url=http://www.easyuo.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=200]http://www.easyuo.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=200[/url] for tutorial on how to set these up
   GoSub FindRunebook XXXXXXX; or %_RuneBook2
   Set %sdlBook %return
   if %sdlBook > 0
    ; See above

LinesPerCycle %lpsFast
Set %FixForUORecallBug #false; I left this in here just in case the UO Bug hasn't been fixed

Set %HaveTargetted #false
Set %HaveProspected #false
Set %LastMadeWasShovel #false
Set %BackpackId null
Set %IsMounted #true
Set %UsingBeetle #true
Set %LastEnemyID #enemyID

Set %gNeedsCoordConv #false
Set #sCnt2 0
Set #sCnt 0
Set %_uowLastUse #scnt2
Set %TryHideAgain 0

Set %LogTimeUsage #false; Log how much time major operations take and when they happen (Optimize the script, so internal use)

ChooseSkill tink
Set %TinkerSkill #skill
GoSub SetDigLocations
LinesPerCycle %lpsNormal

;******** Start Up Code
GoSub MineForMenu
Set %iRune 1
Set %iSpot 1
Set %iRuneBook 0
GoSub CheckInit
GoSub IncrementRuneBook
GoSub CreateStatusWindow
;******** Main Loop
GoSub RecordTimingComment Starting...
   GoSub RecallMine

   GoSub FindShovel
   If %return = Escape
      GoSub Escape
      Goto MainLoop
   GoSub Digger
   If %return = Escape
      GoSub Escape
   If %return = CheckShovel
      goto CheckShovel
goto MainLoop

;******** Tinkering
; ** FindShovel **
; Tries to find a shovel, if non are found will initial
; tinkering or recall back to home base
Sub FindShovel
   GoSub UpdateStatusWindow FindShovel
      GoSub CheckEscapeStatus
      If %CheckEscapeStatus

      GoSub FindUsableMiningTool %BackpackId
      If #FindId = X
         if %UseTinkering
            If %TinkerSkill >= 900
               Set %_fsIngotsNeeded 10
               Set %_fsIngotsNeeded 20
            FindItem %IngotType C_ , %BackpackId
            If #FindKind = -1 || #FindStack < %_fsIngotsNeeded
               GoSub UnloadAtBase #false
            GoSub MakeShovel
            Goto FindShovelStart
         if ! %UseTinkering
            GoSub UnloadAtBase #false
            Goto FindShovelStart

; ** MakeShovel **
; Will make 1-2 shovels using tinkering - Using the menus or
; UOA macros if they have been setup
Sub MakeShovel
   GoSub CheckEscapeStatus
   If %CheckEscapeStatus

   Set %_msTimeStart #sCnt2
   GoSub UpdateStatusWindow MakeShovel

   FindItem %TinkerType C_ , %BackpackId
   Wait 5
   If #FindKind <> -1 && #FindCnt = 1
      If %UOATinkerToolKey <> N/A
         Key %UOATinkerToolKey %UOATinkerToolMod
         Wait %UOATinkerToolWait
      If %UOATinkerToolKey = N/A
         GoSub BringUpTinkerMenu #FindId
         Wait 10
         GoSub ClickTinkerButton 30 110
         If %return
            GoSub ClickTinkerButton 230 130
         Set %LastMadeWasShovel #false
   FindItem %TinkerType C_ , %BackpackId
   If #FindKind <> -1
      If %UOAShovelKey <> N/A
         Key %UOAShovelKey %UOAShovelMod
         Wait %UOAShovelWait
      If %UOAShovelKey = N/A
         GoSub BringUpTinkerMenu #FindId
         If %LastMadeWasShovel; If the last thing we made was a shovel, its easy!
            GoSub ClickTinkerButton 285 410
         If ! %LastMadeWasShovel
            GoSub ClickTinkerButton 30 110
            If %Return
               GoSub ClickTinkerButtonNext
               GoSub ClickTinkerButton 230 70
         If %return
            Set %LastMadeWasShovel #true
            If %MakeTwoShovels
               GoSub ClickTinkerButton 285 410
      Set %_msCancelX #ContPosX + 10
      Set %_msCancelY #ContPosY + 10
      Click %_msCancelX %_msCancelY R; Close tinker menu
   GoSub RecordTiming %_msTimeStart MakeShovel

; ** ClickTinkerButton **
Sub ClickTinkerButton
   Set %_ctbX %1 + #ContPosX
   Set %_ctbY %2 + #ContPosY
   Click %_ctbX %_ctbY
   Gosub waitForSysVar contSize <> 530_465 30
   Gosub waitForSysVar contSize = 530_465 30
   Wait 5

; ** ClickTinkerButtonNoWait **
Sub ClickTinkerButtonNext
   Set %_ctbnX 385 + #ContPosX
   Set %_ctbnY 270 + #ContPosY
   Click %_ctbnX %_ctbnY F
   Wait 2s

; ** BringUpTinkerMenu **
; Lag resistant opening of tinker menu
; Parameter 1: ID of tinker tool
Sub BringUpTinkerMenu
   Set %_butmTinkerTool %1
   Wait 5; A lot of times the tinker tool usage get 'You must wait...'
      GoSub UseObject %_butmTinkerTool #false #false
      Gosub waitForSysVar contSize = 530_465 30
      if ! %return
         goto _butmTinkerMenu

;******** Digging routines
; ** Digger **
; The main digging sub, this is called (at least) once per mining
; location.  It will prospect, hide, mine, unload to pack, unload to base
; Returns: GotoNextLocation. StayAtLocation, CheckShovel
Sub Digger
   Set %_diggerLastStrike #sCnt
   Set %_diggerNoReponse #false

; Give the reds less time to react, as soon as we come in, check if they are around and hide before dismounting
   GoSub CheckEscapeStatus
   If %CheckEscapeStatus
   If ( ( %HideMineInFel && #cursKind = 0 ) || ( %HideMineElsewhere && #cursKind <> 0 ) ) && ( H notin #CharStatus ) && #scnt > %TryHideAgain
      Event Macro 13 21
      Set %TryHideAgain #scnt + 12

   GoSub ShouldProspect
   Set %_digShouldProspect %return
   If ! %_digShouldProspect
      GoSub DismountBeetle

      GoSub UpdateStatusWindow Digging
      GoSub CheckEscapeStatus
      If %CheckEscapeStatus
      If ( ( %HideMineInFel && #cursKind = 0 ) || ( %HideMineElsewhere && #cursKind <> 0 ) ) && ( H notin #CharStatus ) && #scnt > %TryHideAgain
         Event Macro 13 21
         Set %TryHideAgain #scnt + 12
      If ! %HaveTargetted && %_digShouldProspect
         GoSub MountBeetle

      GoSub FindUsableMiningTool
      GoSub UseObject #Result %HaveTargetted #true
      Set %_digShovelUsed ( %return <> Blocked )
      if %_digShovelUsed
         GoSub TargetMiningLocation
         If %return = Failed
            Set %return CheckShovel
      LinesPerCycle %lpsFast
      GoSub CheckEscapeStatus
      If %CheckEscapeStatus

      GoSub CheckProgress
      Set %CheckProgress %return
      If %CheckProgress = Success
         If %gNeedsCoordConv
            GoSub RedefineDigSpot
         Set %_diggerLastStrike #sCnt
         Set %_diggerNoReponse #false
      If %CheckProgress = MustWait
         goto _diggerLoop
      If %CheckProgress = Dismount
         Set %_diggerNoReponse #false
         GoSub DismountUnexpected
      If %CheckProgress = NoResult
         Set %_diggerNoReponse #true
      If %CheckProgress = GotoNextLocation || %CheckProgress = CheckShovel
      If %CheckProgress = StayAtLocation
         Goto _diggerStart

      If ( %_diggerLastStrike + %GiveUpTime < #sCnt )
         GoSub IncrementRuneIndex
         Set #MenuButton N/A
         If %return = GotoNextLocation
         If %return = StayAtLocation
            Goto _diggerStart
      LinesPerCycle %lpsNormal

      If %_digShovelUsed && %_digShouldProspect && ! %HaveProspected
         GoSub CheckEscapeStatus
         If %CheckEscapeStatus
         GoSub UpdateStatusWindow Prospecting
         FindItem %ProspType C_ , %BackpackId
         If #FindKind <> -1
            GoSub UseObject #FindId #false #false
            GoSub TargetMiningLocation
            GoSub DismountBeetle
         Set %HaveProspected #true
   goto _diggerLoop

Sub CountUsableMiningTool
   Set %_cumtCount 0
      FindItem %DiggingTools C_ , %BackpackId
      If #FindKind <> -1
         GoSub IsUsableMiningTool
         If #Result
            Set %_cumtCount %_cumtCount + 1
         IgnoreItem #FindId
         goto _cumtLoop
   IgnoreItem Reset
Return %_cumtCount

Sub FindUsableMiningTool
      FindItem %DiggingTools C_ , %BackpackId
      If #FindKind <> -1
         GoSub IsUsableMiningTool
         If ! #Result
            IgnoreItem #FindId
            goto _fumtLoop
   IgnoreItem Reset
Return #FindId

Sub IsUsableMiningTool
   If #FindType notin %PickAxe || #FindCol <> 0
      Return #true
   GoSub EventProperty #FindId
Return ( Gargoyle notin #Property )

Sub EventProperty
   Event Property %1
   Set %_propTimeout #sCnt + 4
   If #Property = 0 && #sCnt < %_propTimeout
      goto _propLoop


; ** TargetMiningLocation **
; Gets the mining target for this location, waits for the target cursor
; and actually does the targetting
; Returns: Failed, Success
Sub TargetMiningLocation
   target 2s
   If #TargCurs = 0
      Set %return Failed
   Set %isClickLoc #true
   If ! %HaveTargetted
      GoSub GetUserDigLocation %iRuneBook %iRune %iSpot

      if %return = InCoords
         Set %isClickLoc #false
      if %return <> InCoords
         Set %gNeedsCoordConv #true
      If #TargCurs = 1
         If %HaveTargetted
            Event Macro 22 0
         If ! %HaveTargetted
            if %isClickLoc
               Click %DigSpotX %DigSpotY d
            if ! %isClickLoc
               Set #LTargetX %DigSpotX
               Set #LTargetY %DigSpotY
               Set #LTargetZ %DigSpotZ
               Set #LTargetKind %DigSpotKind
               Set #LTargetTile %DigSpotTile
               Event Macro 22 0
         Goto _tmlTargetAgain
   Set %HaveTargetted #true
   Set %return Success

;******** Check mining progress
; ** CheckProgress **
; Checks weight and initiates unload, mining failur attempts, and report whether
; mining is progressing
; Returns: Success, GotoNextLocation, StayAtLocation, Dismount, MustWait
Sub CheckProgress
   Set %return Unknown
   If #Weight > %MaxWeight
      If %UsePackAnimal
         GoSub UnloadToPackAnimal
      If ! %UsePackAnimal
         GoSub UnloadAtBase #false
   for %_cpIndex 1 4
      ScanJournal %_cpIndex
      if #journal = N/A
      If ( you_dig_some in #journal ) || ( you_loosen_some_rocks in #journal )
         Set %return Success
         Goto _cpReturn
      If ( There_is_no_metal_here_to_mine in #journal ) || ( that_is_too_far_away in #journal ) || ( you_can't_mine_that in #journal ) || ( you_can't_mine_there in #journal ) || ( you_cannot_see_that_location in #journal )
         GoSub IncrementRuneIndex
         Goto _cpReturn
      If mine_while_riding in #journal
         Set %return Dismount
         Goto _cpReturn
      If You_must_wait in #journal
         Set %return MustWait7
         Goto _cpReturn
      If ( #Weight > %MaxWeight ) || ( Your_backpack_is_full in #journal )
         Set %_cpReturnValue %return
         If %UsePackAnimal
            GoSub UnloadToPackAnimal
         If ! %UsePackAnimal
            GoSub UnloadAtBase #false
         Set %_diggerLastStrike #sCnt
         Goto _cpReturn


;******** Enemy Detection and Evasion
; ** Escape **
; Does its best attempt to recall away.  If successful it will attempt
; to cure and heal before going to the next rune
Sub Escape
   Set %_escapeLocationX #charPosX
   Set %_escapeLocationY #charPosY
   Set #MenuButton N/A
      If %UOAEscapeKey = N/A
      If %EscapeRecallTarget <> XXXXXXX
         wait 30
         GoSub RecallWithoutRunebook %EscapeRecallTarget
      If %EscapeRecallTarget = XXXXXXX
         GoSub Travel %BaseRunebook %BaseRune1 %TravelMethod #true
   If %UOAEscapeKey <> N/A
      Key %UOAEscapeKey %UOAEscapeMod
   GoSub UpdateStatusWindow Escape

   GoSub GetUserAttention Emergency

   If %PauseAfterEscape
    ; Press [Play] when you are safe at your escape destination
    ; Press [Play] when you are safe at your escape destination
      Set %_escapeRecallTimeout #sCnt + 10
         If #sCnt > %_escapeRecallTimeout
            GoSub CheckForConnDeath
            Goto _escapeTryRecallAgain
         If %_escapeLocationX = #charPosX && %_escapeLocationY = #charPosY
            Goto _escapeCheckRecall

   GoSub IncrementRuneIndex 1
   Set %LastEnemyID #enemyID

   If %UsePackAnimal
      Msg All Follow Me$

   Wait 1s; Allow time for recall and character information to populate (#charStatus)

   Set %_escapeCureAttempt 0
   If %CureWithMagery && %_escapeCureAttempt < 7 && ( C in #charStatus )
      If %TravelMethod = 0
         event macro 15 201
         event Macro 15 10
      Target 6s
      event Macro 23 0
      Wait 2s
      Set %_escapeCureAttempt %_escapeCureAttempt + 1
      Goto _escapeCheckPoison
   If C in #charStatus
      GoSub GetUserAttention Emergency
      Display OK You must cure yourself to continue (Press Play After)
      Goto _escapeCheckPoison

   Set %_escapeHealAttempt 0
   If %GrHealAfterEscape && %_escapeHealAttempt < 7 && ( #hits < #MaxHits )
      If %TravelMethod = 0
         event Macro 15 202
         event Macro 15 28
      Target 6s
      event Macro 23 0
      Wait 10
      Set %_escapeHealAttempt %_escapeHealAttempt + 1
      Goto _escapeCheckHP
   If #hits < #MaxHits
      GoSub GetUserAttention
      Display OK You must heal yourself to full to continue  (Press Play After)
      Goto _escapeCheckHP
   If ! %BankDrop
      FindItem %SecureId G_2
      If #FindKind <> -1
         GoSub UnloadAtBase #true

; ** CheckEscapeStatus **
; Looks if there are reasons for the script to escape. Reds, damage, pack animal moving
; Returns: Escape, N/A
Sub CheckEscapeStatus
   Set %return N/A
   If %ShowStatus && #MenuButton = Escape
      Set %return Escape
      Set %escapeReason User , #spc , Request
   If %EscapeOnDamage && #Hits + %DamageThreshold < #MaxHits
      Set %return Escape
      Set %escapeReason Damage
   If %RedEscape && %return = N/A && #cursKind = 0
         FindItem NAB_OAB_HS_IS
         If #FindKind <> -1
            If #FindRep <> 6 || #FindId = #CharID || #FindId in #CharID
               IgnoreItem #findId
               Goto _cesSearch
            If %RedCheckNPC
            Set %return Escape
            Set %escapeReason Red , #spc , Sighted
   If %HighThreatMonster <> N/A
         FindItem %HighThreatMonster
         If #FindKind <> -1
            If #FindId = #CharID || #FindId in #CharID
               IgnoreItem #findId
               Goto _cesSearch2
            Set %return Escape
            Set %escapeReason Monster , #spc , Threat
   If %TrackPackAnimal && %UsePackAnimal && %return = N/A && ! %IsMounted
      FindItem %PackAnimalId
      If #FindDist > 1
         Set %return Escape
         Set %escapeReason Packy , #spc , Left
         Msg All Follow Me$
   If %EscapeOnMonsterSighting && %LastEnemyID <> #enemyID
      Set %LastEnemyID #enemyID
      FindItem %LastEnemyID
      if #FindType notin %NoThreatMonster
         Set %return Escape
         Set %escapeReason Monster , #spc , Target
   Set %CheckEscapeStatus ( %return <> N/A )

   If ! %CheckEscapeStatus && %ShowStatus && #MenuButton = PauseBut
      GoSub HandlePauseButton

;******** UnloadAtBase
; ** UnloadAtBase **
; Unloads ore at the house or bank, recalls to the location, opens up all the containers
; moves all the ore to the bag then picks up whatever is needed (ingots, shovels, prosp tools)
; Parameter 1: boolean Need to recall or not
Sub UnloadAtBase
   Set %AlreadyAtBase %1
   If ! %AlreadyAtBase
      GoSub CheckEscapeStatus
      If %CheckEscapeStatus

      If %MountBeforeRecall
         GoSub MountBeetle
      Set %_uabBaseRuneIndex ( #Random % %NumBaseRunes ) + 1
      Set %_uabTimeStart #sCnt2
         GoSub Travel %BaseRunebook %BaseRune . %_uabBaseRuneIndex %TravelMethod #true
         if %return = Blocked
            Wait 6s
            Set %_uabBaseRuneIndex %_uabBaseRuneIndex + 1
            if %_uabBaseRuneIndex > %NumBaseRunes
               Set %_uabBaseRuneIndex 1
            Goto _uabStart

   If %UsePackAnimal
      GoSub DismountBeetle
      Msg All Follow Me$
      If ! %AlreadyAtBase
         Wait 1s
   If %StandLocationX <> 0
      GoSub UpdateStatusWindow MoveToPosition
      If %DoorID <> XXXXXXX
         GoSub PathFind %DoorUseX %DoorUseY %DoorUseZ 6
         if ! %Return
            goto _uabRetryPFDoor
         GoSub UseObject %DoorID #false #false

      GoSub PathFind %StandLocationX %StandLocationY %StandLocationZ 6
      If ! %Return
         goto _uabRetryPFSecure

   GoSub UpdateStatusWindow UnloadingToBase
   GoSub UpdateMiningResults
   GoSub OpenAnyContainer PaperDoll #CharID 534 1 5
   GoSub OpenAnyContainer Backpack %BackpackId 650 335 5
   If %BankDrop
      GoSub OpenAnyContainer Bank N/A 27 49 5
      Set %_uabSecureId #ContId
   If %HideOnBaseUnload && H notin #CharStatus
      Event Macro 13 21
   If ! %BankDrop
      FindItem %SecureId G
      If #FindDist > 2
         Move #findX #findy 2 5s
      GoSub OpenAnyContainer Container %SecureId 27 49 5
      Set %_uabSecureId %SecureId
   FindItem %OreBagId
   If #FindKind = -1
      Display OK Cannot find Backpack in Bank Box/House Secure to drop off ore.$Is it missing or has it not been specified correctly (OreBagId).$$The script will now stop.
   If %UsePackAnimal
      GoSub OpenAnyContainer Container %PackAnimalBagId 40 480 5
    ;FindItem %PackAnimalDropId C_ , %PackAnimalBagId
    ;GoSub OpenAnyContainer Container #FindId 265 490 5
      GoSub DragAnyItem %OreTypes #true %PackAnimalBagId All %OreBagId %TrackGPValue
      GoSub DragAnyItem %GraniteType #true %PackAnimalBagId All %OreBagId #false
      GoSub DragAnyItem %OreTypes #true %PackAnimalBagId All %OreBagId %TrackGPValue
   GoSub DragAnyItem %OreTypes #true %BackpackId All %OreBagId %TrackGPValue
   GoSub DragAnyItem %GraniteType #true %BackpackId All %OreBagId #false

   If %UseProspector <> %NoColor
      FindItem %ProspType C_ , %BackpackId
      If #FindKind = -1
         GoSub DragAnyItem %ProspType #true %_uabSecureId 1 #charid #false
         If %return = NoneFound
            Display YesNo Could not find any prospector's tools at the top of your bank/secure container.$$Would you like to continue without the use of a prospector's tool?
            If #DispRes = No
            Set %UseProspector %NoColor
   if %UseTinkering
      FindItem %IngotType C_ , %BackpackId
      If #FindKind = -1 || #FindStack < 40
         GoSub DragAnyItem %IngotType %UseAnyColourIngot %_uabSecureId 60 %backpackid #false
         If %return = NoneFound
            Display YesNo Could not find any ingots at the top of your bank/secure container.$
                          +Without more you will not be able to continue mining (can't make shovels)$$
                          +Would you like to have 20 seconds to place some ingots at the top of your secure?
            If #DispRes = No
            Wait 20s
            Goto _uabMoreIngots
   GoSub CountUsableMiningTool
   If #Result < %MinShovels
      GoSub DragAnyItem %DiggingTools #true %_uabSecureId 1 %BackpackId #false
      If %return = NoneFound
         If %UseTinkering
            goto _uabBreakShovelLoop
         Display YesNo Could not find any shovels at the top of your bank/secure container.$
                       +You won't be able to continue without more.$$
                       +Would you like to have 15 seconds to place shovels where script can find them?
         If #DispRes = No
         Wait 15s
      Goto _uabShovelLoop

   If ! %RegSuit
      GoSub PickupReagent %MandrakeRoot Mandrake %_uabSecureId
      GoSub PickupReagent %Bloodmoss Bloodmoss %_uabSecureId
      GoSub PickupReagent %BlackPearl Black , #spc , Pearl %_uabSecureId
   Event Macro 9 1; Close PaperDoll
   GoSub SetStartOre #false
   GoSub RecordTiming %_uabTimeStart UnloadToBase
   If ! %AlreadyAtBase
      If %NextRuneOnBaseUnload
         GoSub IncrementRuneIndex 1
      GoSub RecallMine

; ** PickupReagent **
; A support function to remove duplicate code
; Parameter 1: ITEM_TYPE Type for Reagent
; Parameter 2: STRING Name of Reagent for user displayed dialog
; Parameter 3: ITEM_ID The container to look for reagents
Sub PickupReagent
   Set %_prRegType %1
   Set %_prRegName %2
   Set %_prSecureId %3

   FindItem %_prRegType C_ , %BackpackId
   If #findkind = -1 || #findstack < 20
         GoSub DragAnyItem %_prRegType #true %_prSecureId 30 %BackpackId #false
         If %return = NoneFound
            Display YesNo Could not find any , #spc , %_prRegName , #spc , at the top of your bank/secure container.$
                          +You won't be able to continue without more.$$
                          +Would you like to have 15 seconds to place some regs at the top of your secure?
            If #DispRes = No
            Wait 15s
            Goto _prMoreIngots

;********  Pack Animal Routines
; ** UnloadToPackAnimal **
; Unloads ore from the backpack to the pack animal (uses DragAnyItem to do the work)
Sub UnloadToPackAnimal
   Set %_utpTimeStart #sCnt2
   GoSub UpdateStatusWindow UnloadToPack
   GoSub UpdateMiningResults
   Set %_utpaUnload #false
      FindItem %PackAnimalId
      If #FindKind = -1
         Set %_utpaUnload #true
      If #FindKind <> -1
         If #FindDist > 1
            Msg All Follow Me$
            Wait 1s
            Goto _utpaStart

         If %HideOnPackUnload && ( H notin #CharStatus ) && #scnt > %TryHideAgain
            Event Macro 13 21
            Set %TryHideAgain #scnt + 12

Сообщение отредактировал Juzzver - 3.7.2018, 22:59
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сообщение 3.7.2018, 13:23
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Группа: Пользователи
Наличность: 0
Пользователь №: 4.876

Во 1х, для скриптов лучше использовать

Во 2х: Начни поиски со строчки ** MakeShovel **
Я в изи не силен, но там явно указаны координаты
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сообщение 4.7.2018, 18:18
Сообщение #3


Сообщений: 3
Регистрация: 11.1.2018
Группа: Пользователи
Наличность: 0
Пользователь №: 18.780

А кто знает что да как там менять ???
Как поменять в изиуо кординаты ??
Где проверить какие кординаты ?
И кто-то сможет помочь с этой проблемой ?
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сообщение 9.7.2018, 19:09
Сообщение #4


Группа: Пользователи
Наличность: 0
Пользователь №: 4.876

Цитата(Ist @ 4.7.2018, 15:18) *

А кто знает что да как там менять ???
Как поменять в изиуо кординаты ??
Где проверить какие кординаты ?
И кто-то сможет помочь с этой проблемой ?

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